Having worked in comms since 2012, I understand how stories can shape experiences – especially when you are on holiday.

How do you share stories with your guests and customers?

I write local “Seaside Storybooks” for global hotel clients as part of my storytelling coaching work. They are easy to memorise and personalise for any hotel employee. The content is in English – useful for those who may not be fluent.

Every hotelier wishes they had more time to chat with their guests. My ghostwriting service allows every guest to “slow” read uniquely personal long-form content from the general manager. People have time to read when they are on holiday.

I work with seaside hospitality clients (hotels, guest houses, and B&Bs) to create immersive email marketing campaigns about the local area to inspire future guests before they arrive. Experiential storytelling is at the heart of hospitality.

Get in touch: [email protected]